If we want our paragraph spacing to be the same from one line to the next, we'll have to set it to "exactly" some value. That's the way Microsoft Word handles a case like this though it adjust spacing so that the objects "just fit", adding a bit of padding, and as a result the spacing is uneven from one line to the next. Whatever you decide, it's the right decision.) Many people object to the appearance of "Single" because the spacing of the 4 lines is not uniform from one line to the next.

(What's "good" and "bad" in a document, and what "looks right" is in the end up to you anyway. If you like this appearance, keep the spacing set to Single and be done with it. That's an improvement since now the full equations show. Whether Windows or Mac, in the Spacing section of the ensuing dialog, Line spacing is what we need to adjust. In Word for Mac, choose Paragraph from the Format menu. This is the diagonal arrow in the lower right of the group: In the Paragraph group, click the dialog box launcher. If you're not sure how to do that, in Windows, first click the Home tab in Word. Of course, this won’t change existing files, and it also won’t affect any Word for Mac documents you create that start from templates.Note: Perhaps you're working with a document you got from a colleague, and you're not the one who set the paragraph spacing to begin with. Now, all new documents you create will start with the font choices you made previously. Confirm the changes by exiting the document and opening a new one-type something in the new file to verify that your new default font works.Select the radio button next to “All documents based on the Normal template,” then click “OK” to save the new default font. Word will ask you to confirm whether you want the setting to apply to your current document or all documents you create.To save the new font’s settings as default, click the “Default” button in the window’s lower-left corner.You can also configure the default font style and size. Click on the drop-down entry to open the menu and choose a new default font, such as Times New Roman.Make sure you’re on the “Font” tab and locate the Font drop-down menu near the window’s top-left section.

Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut “Command-D.”